Haha , sekarang dkt SOne HD ada cerita korea yg besttt gilaa :)
Sweet aww <3
Haha , nii dah demam angau dah ni :D
Haha . Korang nak tau tak sapa hero dia ?
Arghhhhh ! Diorg Mardha punya . Haha .
Haha , mesti korang kenal punya laa .
The great doctor - Lee Min ho
To the beautiful you - Tae Min
Wahhh :D handsome2 kan ?
Arggghh , tgk diorg pun boleh buat Mardha tersenyum tau !
Haha , tapi best laa cerita dia .
Escepially to the beautiful you :)
Gilaaa melting bila tgk cerita tuu .
Sweeeeeeeet sangaat .
Haha :) Okey laaa .
Byeee . :D
Haha :) Both of hero in to the beautiful you <3
Sweet kan ? Macam mana laa Mardha boleh tak tersenyum sendiri bila tgk cerita ni .
Cerita ni , first2 tak best . Tunggu beberapa episode je lagi , Then baru nk tgk :D
0 sweet lollipop ♥:
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